Friday, April 8, 2011

Let's Go To The Movies

Gracie has been back on the Potty Training wagon. We jumped on the wagon many months ago but I got lazy, then I got pregnant, then I got a newborn. So back on the wagon we go now that things have slowed down. Grace is doing really great with the exception of an accident here and there. The bribery for getting her out of Pull Ups has been going to see the movie HOP. She wanted to bring everyone under the sun with her to the movies but in the end her cousin Quinny was the winner (that and that Quinn's mom watched Molly while we went). Her partner in crime Connor met her there too! So here is a picture of the 3 of them enjoying the movie! Here's to the end of diapers!

PS- Its 9:14pm and Grace is going to bed after her first ENTIRE day with no accidents! Hip hip horray!

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