Friday, April 22, 2011

Bedtime Bootcamp

Things have been better at the Dougherty House! We have a certain someone who does not want to sleep thru the night anymore. If your thinking its Molly- your wrong! Molly continues to be a very good sleeper. She has her few random nights when she wants to be up and at 'em at 530 or 6am but usually she is a wonderful sleeper. We couldn't be more thankful. Her sister on the other hand has started a new trend- up crying, screaming, kicking and yelling for about 2 hours every night. Don't really know whats going on but we are now running a bedtime bootcamp on Manoa Road. I am determined to get this kid past this and back to being the 12 sleeper I know she is! Fingers crossed!

In the meantime, here are some pictures of Grace when she first moved into her big girl room in September of last year. Its amazing how much she has grown in just 6 months! She looks so young in these pictures!

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