Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all our family and friends. We enjoyed the past few days of egg dying, egg hunts and easter bunnies! Enjoy the huge selection of pictures!

Visiting the Easter Bunny

Friday Night Egg Hunt with Friends

Egg Hunters

Dying Easter Eggs

Molly watching the big kids dye eggs

Grace selecting her color- very intensely with her tongue out!

Finished Product

Say Bunny Ears!

Easter Morning- checking to see if the carrots are gone.

Impressed with her loot- playdough, DVD, pinwheel.

Molly checking out her basket- some candy and a bathing suit!

The Girls and their baskets

After church we attempted a picture on the front lawn

Egg Hunt on Edgewood- only 1 participant

Uncle Reds, Aunt Claire and Uncle James

Grandmom & Grandpop with their girls

Double Trouble

Attempting a picture of the 4 Dougherty grandkids- not so successful

Molly & Wes

PopPop & Molly

Family Shot

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