Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Few Chuckles

Yes- this is really my life. This is what I walked into yesterday when I "thought" Grace was coloring and Molly was in the Jumper-Roo. Boy was I wrong. Instead- Grace had helped her self into the Jumper-Roo and made it a two seater. Seriously?

 And of course, sweet Molly just smiles and takes it. I would have kicked anyone out that tried to interrupt my developmental play time. HA!

One last chuckle... I have a new obession called Skinny Girl Margaritas. A delicious drink that seems to be completely sold out everywhere I go. So the girls and I ventured to liqour store ( mother of the year ) and loaded up on 10 bottles - it may be a hot summer and I dont wanna run out! And I used the lower storage space of the stroller to carry all the bottles out to my car. Grace helped unload them into the car. Totally normal, right?

PS- Brian thinks I am nuts that I have been calling and stalking stores to find this drink. He thinks I may have a problem. HA!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all our family and friends. We enjoyed the past few days of egg dying, egg hunts and easter bunnies! Enjoy the huge selection of pictures!

Visiting the Easter Bunny

Friday Night Egg Hunt with Friends

Egg Hunters

Dying Easter Eggs

Molly watching the big kids dye eggs

Grace selecting her color- very intensely with her tongue out!

Finished Product

Say Bunny Ears!

Easter Morning- checking to see if the carrots are gone.

Impressed with her loot- playdough, DVD, pinwheel.

Molly checking out her basket- some candy and a bathing suit!

The Girls and their baskets

After church we attempted a picture on the front lawn

Egg Hunt on Edgewood- only 1 participant

Uncle Reds, Aunt Claire and Uncle James

Grandmom & Grandpop with their girls

Double Trouble

Attempting a picture of the 4 Dougherty grandkids- not so successful

Molly & Wes

PopPop & Molly

Family Shot

Friday, April 22, 2011

Bedtime Bootcamp

Things have been better at the Dougherty House! We have a certain someone who does not want to sleep thru the night anymore. If your thinking its Molly- your wrong! Molly continues to be a very good sleeper. She has her few random nights when she wants to be up and at 'em at 530 or 6am but usually she is a wonderful sleeper. We couldn't be more thankful. Her sister on the other hand has started a new trend- up crying, screaming, kicking and yelling for about 2 hours every night. Don't really know whats going on but we are now running a bedtime bootcamp on Manoa Road. I am determined to get this kid past this and back to being the 12 sleeper I know she is! Fingers crossed!

In the meantime, here are some pictures of Grace when she first moved into her big girl room in September of last year. Its amazing how much she has grown in just 6 months! She looks so young in these pictures!

Monday, April 18, 2011


Thought this picture deserved a post of it own.

Playing in the Basement

Not too much going on here at the Dougherty House. We have been hanging outside a lot with the neighborhood kids when the weather is nice. We have been taking some enjoyable walks in the double stroller. And hanging in the trusty basement with all the toys you can imagine!

She was so proud of the puzzle we did together!


 Just Chillin on my Playmat.

Playing with her Feet!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Uncle Five

Uncle John ( AKA Uncle Five ) turned 22 today. He is up at Penn State celebrating before graduating in May. We cant wait until he is home to Havertown for good so we can see him all the time. The girls just love him. Happy Birthday Uncle John.

PS- Grace was very excited to sing to Uncle John but I think her alterior motive was just to eat the mini brownie. Smart kid.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Longwood Gardens

Anyone who knows us, knows how much we love Longwood Gardens. The place is great! We love letting Grace run around all the open fields. And she loves smelling all the flowers- I mean face in the flowers, pollen on the nose, and all. Many times, we are lucky enough to go with friends and manage to capture some great pictures ( thanks especially to STR, Connor's dads company ). Here are some pics from Sundays trip. Special guests were Lilly and Jon Dukes. It made the day that more fun spending it with these incredible friends! We will be very bummed when they move to Connecticut in just 8 short weeks. Until then, we are loving spending some quality time with them!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Let's Go To The Movies

Gracie has been back on the Potty Training wagon. We jumped on the wagon many months ago but I got lazy, then I got pregnant, then I got a newborn. So back on the wagon we go now that things have slowed down. Grace is doing really great with the exception of an accident here and there. The bribery for getting her out of Pull Ups has been going to see the movie HOP. She wanted to bring everyone under the sun with her to the movies but in the end her cousin Quinny was the winner (that and that Quinn's mom watched Molly while we went). Her partner in crime Connor met her there too! So here is a picture of the 3 of them enjoying the movie! Here's to the end of diapers!

PS- Its 9:14pm and Grace is going to bed after her first ENTIRE day with no accidents! Hip hip horray!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Weezy!

Happy Birthday to the best Aunt ( and Great Aunt ) in all the Whole Wide World. We love you Eloise!

 "This isn't so hard."

"Good girl Molly- way to cooperate!"

"Hold on, we cant see Molly"

"Everyone look up here!"

 "OK, Smile!!! And hold up the sign too!"

"This will have to do!"