Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The MomMom

Today was a sad day as we said good bye to "The MomMom". The MomMom, who is Brian's grandmother, was an amazing woman who loved her family, her friends, her greek heritage and a good meal! My kind of woman! She lived just a few blocks away so we were very lucky that we often walked over after dinner to visit with Big MomMom and Big PopPop. Grace always loved stealing a little sip of MomMoms iced tea or playing with the wagon of toys she had stored next to the couch especially for Gracie and Wyatt. Gracie especially loved that every visit, Big MomMom would always tell Gracie "I'm gonna get your hiney!" Even though she is in peace now, to say that she will be greatly missed is a huge understatement. I feel so blessed to have known her for the past years. We love you MomMom!

 Gracie & her Great Grandmother

 Bathing Beauties

 I'm Gonna Get Your Hiney!!!

 Molly and MomMom on the day Molly was born.

Molly & her Great Grandmother

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