Sunday, March 20, 2011

Girls & Dolls

You gotta love little kids and their imaginations! Grace is a lot like Brian in many ways but she definitely gets her imagination from him. Yesterday, I propped Molly up on the couch while I was making her bottle. Molly is getting so big that she is now able to sit up assisted for a short periods of time. In the 2 minutes tops it took me to make a bottle, Grace had 5 baby dolls lined up next to Molly. It was hysterical, Molly just blended right in.  Brian and I were cracking up! It was too cute to forget so we had Grace jump in with her sister and dolls for a picture.

From LEFT to RIGHT:  Gracie, My 1st Baby Doll, Cabbage Patch Newborn, Raggedy Ann, Molly, Cabbage Patch Kid, Glow Worm.

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