Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ocean City

The Dougherty Family ventured to New Jersey today for a little family road trip. The purpose was to head down to the Atlantic City Convention Center for the Hardscaping Trade Show so we could get some ideas for the new patio Brian plans on building this spring. So we packed up the girls, the diaper bag and the double stroller ( thanks Eloise ) and headed down bright and early. Well, the show was a bust. We paid 50 bucks to get in and the whole "show" was about 4 aisles of salesmen and could be done by someone in a walker in about 15 minutes. We got our free shirts, or shall I say $50 shirts, and jumped back in the truck.

We decided the best way to turn our frowns upside down was to shoot over to good old Ocean City. We grabbed some Mack and Manco's for lunch ( Molly was a 1st timer ) and checked out the beach. The boardwalk was empty and cold so the girls weren't too impressed. Summer visits are way more fun!

On the way home we stopped by the 9th Street Mickey Dee's for some diaper changing and shamrock shakes. The end to pretty good day. But it got better! While pulling out of Ocean City, Gracie spilled the shamrock shake all over her jeans. Her response, "OHHH, DAMN IT!". Brian and I nearly peed our pants! It took all that was in us not to laugh. Well, we did laugh. Hard. But we waited to turn around and clean her up until we had gotten the smiles off our faces. Needless to say, I will be watching what I say more carefully now around Grace!

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