Monday, February 21, 2011

Mobile Uploads

In this day and age, almost everyone seems to have a camera phone. I'm not as quick on the draw with mine as I'd like to be but when I need it, it does the job. Here are a few favorites from the past few weeks!

 Forever in Blue Jeans

A Frosty after a late night shopping trip 
to TJ Maxx in her pajamas!

 Testing out the new double stroller 
( Ducky filled in for Molly )

 Big Foot

 Popcorn and Movie with WyWy

 Just Hanging Out!

 A Milkshake with my love Connor!

 New pink Chucks from Aunt Claire!

 When Molly boycotts going to bed, which is hardly ever, 
she just giggles and giggles and giggles till she falls asleep.

Come on Spring!

 Playdough with the Coyne Boys!

 When Jack wont come to her bed, she goes to his!

 My Heart.

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