Friday, February 18, 2011

Can ya hear me now?

Grace had her surgery this morning to get new tubes put in her ears. This is her 3rd set in 2 and half years so we are very familiar with the drill. Grace was a star patient and had all the nurses eating out of her hand. The surgery went well and she was home and back to herself a few hours later. She felt so great- that we managed to be at the park by noon after an 8am surgery. Rockstar is all I can say!

Gracie was so happy that everyone wanted to check on her to make sure she was feeling better. She got lots of phone calls, texts and emails from her family and friends. She even got some special presents.

 Getting ready for surgery!

Playing on the Craftmatic adjustable bed- a real thrill!

 The giggle medicine before she went off to surgery- she was hysterical!

 Brownies from the love of her life, Connor.

Encouraging words before she went into surgery from Baby Michael.

You think I'm kidding??? She was playing at the park by noon today!  
A video of the Happiest Kid in Havertown!

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