Monday, January 10, 2011

Holy Roller

Molly was baptized on Sunday at Sacred Heart Church. It was a beautiful day and we were surrounded by lots of family and friends. Molly was a natural and looked so perfect in the Christening gown her sister Grace wore just two and half short years earlier. Molly was wide eyed and awake the entire time and appeared to be listening intensely to the deacon as he gave her the scoop on being a good catholic. What she didn't learn at her baptism, she can learn from Aunt Erica and Uncle Justin, her Godparents. It was a wonderful day and we are truly blessed.

BONUS: Molly shares this special day with her newest cousin ( once removed or something like that ) Ava Jayne who was born Sunday night. Congrats Alicia and Alex on your beautiful baby girl!

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